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Two-person crew bill awaits Governor’s signature in Washington State

INDEPENDENCE, Ohio, March 17 — After more than seven years of hard word by the BLET’s Washington State Legislative Board and their counterparts within the SMART Transportation Division, a two-person crew bill has passed both chambers of the state legislature in Washington. The bill is currently on the desk of Governor Jay Inslee awaiting his signature.

According to BLET Washington State Legislative Board Chairman Shahraim Allen, HB 1841 —Establishing Minimum Crews on Certain Trains — passed out of the Washington State House on a Concurrence Vote (64 yea-33 nay) on March 10, 2020. It was then signed by Madame Speaker Laurie Jinkins on March 11, 2020, for its finalization in the House. In its final review in the Senate, the additional signature of Lt. Governor / President Cyrus Habib was added on March 12, 2020.

“However, even at this endpoint the railroad lobbyists continue to make attempts to stifle the progress of this much needed safety legislation,” Brother Allen said. “Despite this fact, we are taking counter measures to ensure once and for all that this bill makes it across the finish line in the behalf of our membership. As Chairman of the BLET Washington State Legislative Board, I remain resolute and resolved in the successful outcome of our two-person crew bill. I would like to thank all of the members within our great fraternal organization that have been supportive in our Board’s efforts in establishing this much needed legislation, which we have been in pursuit of for the last seven years.”

There will be more information forthcoming upon the bill’s final passage into law.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

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