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Make sure your voice is heard in November

INDEPENDENCE, Ohio, September 1 — In advance of the upcoming November elections, the BLET National Division has created a website to help members make sure their vote counts.

Available here, the page is informational in purpose. It lets members check to confirm that they are registered to vote and provides the location of polling places. And, depending on where you live, the page links to information about early voting, important dates and deadlines, absentee voting, voter ID requirements, and what you need to bring with you on Election Day.

“Voting in the upcoming November election is your chance to make your voice heard regarding the future of your family, your community, and your country,” BLET National President Dennis R. Pierce said. “I encourage all members to utilize this page to make sure your vote counts.”

The page is available at: .

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

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