Port of Long Beach posts best August in its history

(Source: Progressive Railroading 09/10/2020)
The Port of Long Beach, California, (POLB) reported its best August in its 109-year history, marking a strong start to the peak shipping season, port officials reported yesterday.
Dockworkers and terminal operators moved 725,610 20-foot equivalent units (TEUs) of container cargo during the month, a 9.3 percent increase compared with August 2019’s level. Imports surged 13 percent to 364,792 TEUs and exports climbed 1 percent to 16,177 TEUs. Empty containers shipped overseas climbed 8.5 percent to 234,642 TEUs.
Despite the cargo increase, the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to create long-term uncertainty in international trade and the U.S. economy, POLB Executive Director Mario Cordero said in a press release.
“August marked another great month for the port, but we must remain vigilant about the global pandemic’s lasting effects,” he said.
The boost in TEUs comes at the start of the peak shipping season, which typically runs from August to October, as retailers prepare for the upcoming holiday shopping season.
Pacific Harbor Line Inc. provides rail transportation, maintenance and dispatching services to the port.