GA-46000 Lifetime maximum adjusted for 2021

INDEPENDENCE, Ohio, November 16 – The lifetime maximum benefit for the Railroad Employees National Early Retirement Major Medical Benefit Plan (also known as ERMA or GA-46000) will increase from $171,100 to $175,700 on January 1, 2021.
At the end of 2001, Labor and Management agreed on various procedures to administer the annual changes in the amount of the lifetime maximum benefit under the ERMA plan. In conjunction with the formula established in 2001, a new lifetime maximum was calculated for 2021 by utilizing the October 2020 consumer price index (CPI) data for Hospital and Related Services and Physician Services.
Additionally, for individuals who have reached the lifetime maximum, the incremental maximum available is applied to eligible expenses submitted for dates of service on or after the effective date of the new maximum. For 2021, this amount will be $4,600.
This change will apply to all railroads and crafts participating in ERMA.