Registration open for BLET’s Austin regional meeting, July 12-16, 2021

INDEPENDENCE, Ohio, April 30 — The BLET is pleased to announce the resumption of its regional meeting program with a meeting in Austin, Texas, July 12-16, 2021. CDC guidelines regarding COVID-19 protocols will be strictly enforced to protect the health and safety of everyone in attendance.
Guests will stay at the Hilton Austin (500 East 4th St., Austin, Texas 78701, telephone: (512) 482-8000). BLET convention registration as well as hotel registration can be made through the BLET’s regional meeting website, If making reservations by telephone, you must mention the group code “BLET2021.” Room reservations must be made by June 18, 2021.
BLET and Hilton Austin are taking a number of precautions to help you enjoy your visit to Austin, while at the same time ensuring that we comply with CDC, local and Hilton Corporate policies and regulations regarding COVID-19 precautions.
While these polices and regulations may change, the wearing of facial masks is currently required in the common areas of the hotels and at many of the restaurants on and off the property.
The Austin regional meeting kicks off with registration and a welcome reception on Monday, July 12 (ticket required). Opening ceremonies will take place the morning of Tuesday, July 13, with a closed meeting for BLET members that afternoon. A golf tournament will be held on Wednesday, July 14, at 10:30 a.m. at the Crystal City Golf Club. There is an additional cost to register for the golf tournament. Non-golfers will be on their own to explore the many entertainment options that Austin has to offer.
Workshops will be held for Local Chairmen, Secretary-Treasurers and Legislative Representatives throughout the day on Thursday, July 15. The BLET’s Austin regional meeting will conclude with a dinner dance the evening of July 15. Attendees will travel home on July 16.
The BLET and Hilton Austin have arranged to have social distance style seating at the open and closed meetings, and during meals and training classes to help minimize any issues or concerns. If you have any specific questions, please email them to: You can review additional information and a video from the hotel at
There is no cost for BLET members who wish to attend the July 13 meetings and July 15 workshops only; however, there will be fees for those members who choose to attend the meals. The cost of full registration (including all meetings, workshops, the dinner dance and all BLET sponsored meals) is $225.00 per person. The cost is $175.00 to register for all of the above EXCEPT the dinner dance. Reduced children’s registration and a la carte meal registration options are also available.
Please visit the BLET website, Facebook page, and for the latest information.
Friday, April 30, 2021