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WRGCA Inward Facing Camera Claims

Brothers and Sisters,

Below is a memo that was sent out to all of the BLET UPWRGCA Local Chairman on January 30, 2018 regarding the Inward Facing Camera Claims:



To:       Division Local Chairmen

RE: Inward Facing Cameras claims



As you know, we have been involved in a dispute with the Union Pacific Railroad over their decision to install inward facing cameras in all the locomotives currently in service.  The BLET General Chairmen representing the Locomotive Engineers on UP has tried to negotiate the use of such cameras, such as to have them shut off while the train is stopped, ban their use of “fishing” for Rules violations, etc.  Those talks broke down some time ago with the UP taking a position that it is their managerial prerogative to modify the locomotive equipment standards and asserting that it did not violate any Collective Bargaining Agreements.

When the negotiations were ceased by the UP, the BLET General Chairmen committed to fight this dispute jointly to a final decision at a Law Board.  The issue was submitted to the 1st Division, National Railroad Adjustment Board and handled by the National Vice President, Marcus Ruef, and his assistant Doug Davidson, along with the Northern Region General Chairman, Richard Crow.  The case was assigned to Arbitrator Edwin Benn, who has several decades of experience in Section 3 arbitration.  All the above named presented oral arguments on December 6, 2017.

With that said, we have received notice from the National Division this morning that our dispute has been decided (attached).  Unfortunately, Mr. Benn ruled against our claims but encouraged the parties to engage in informal discussions to reach some common ground rules for the use of the cameras.

Previously, the UP General Chairmen agreed to attach all the camera claims to this individual claim progressed by the Northern Region in order to resolve the issue.  While none of us General Chairmen are happy with the decision, the Committees will be forced to withdraw without prejudice all the claims currently on record of which currently total almost 4900 claims with our committee.  I am also asking that effective immediately, we inform our members that this issue has been decided upon, and we will cease putting in any more claim for cameras going forward.

However, withdrawing without prejudice still allows us to progress other disputes that may arise out of the continued use of cameras by the Carrier in either a punitive way or some other unseen positions that the Carrier may take.

I trust you will find this information helpful to explain to our members the process we have used to bring this issue to fruition.  As customary, if you have any questions, please contact me at any time.  Take care Brothers.

In Solidarity,

Steve Leyshon
General Chairman
BLET UP Western Region

You can find the memo along with the award from Edwin Benn Here.

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